bootleg.utils.classes package


bootleg.utils.classes.aliasmention_trie module

bootleg.utils.classes.comment_json module

JSON with comments class.

An example of how to remove comments and trailing commas from JSON before parsing. You only need the two functions below, remove_comments() and remove_trailing_commas() to accomplish this. This script serves as an example of how to use them but feel free to just copy & paste them into your own code/projects. Usage:: some_file.json Alternatively, you can pipe JSON into this script and it’ll clean it up:: cat some_file.json | Why would you do this? So you can have human-generated .json files (say, for configuration) that include comments and, really, who wants to deal with catching all those trailing commas that might be present? Here’s an example of a file that will be successfully cleaned up and JSON-parseable:

FYI: This script will also pretty-print the JSON after it’s cleaned up (if using it from the command line) with an indentation level of 4 (that is, four spaces).


Remove C-style comments from json_like and returns the result.


>>> test_json = '''\
    "foo": "bar", // This is a single-line comment
    "baz": "blah" /* Multi-line
    Comment */
>>> remove_comments('{"foo":"bar","baz":"blah",}')
'{\n    "foo":"bar",\n    "baz":"blah"\n}'

Remove trailing commas from json_like and returns the result.


>>> remove_trailing_commas('{"foo":"bar","baz":["blah",],}')

bootleg.utils.classes.dotted_dict module

Dotted dict class.

class bootleg.utils.classes.dotted_dict.DottedDict(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: dict

Dotted dictionary.

Override for the dict object to allow referencing of keys as attributes, i.e. dict.key.


Ensure copy object is DottedDict, not dict.


Recursive conversion back to dict.

class bootleg.utils.classes.dotted_dict.PreserveKeysDottedDict(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: dict

Override auto correction of key names to safe attr names.

Can result in errors when using attr name resolution.


Ensure copy object is DottedDict, not dict.


Recursive conversion back to dict.


Create boolean Dotted Dict.


Return true if is json.


Return True is string is a number.

Module contents

Classes init.