Source code for bootleg.utils.classes.comment_json

JSON with comments class.

An example of how to remove comments and trailing commas from JSON before
parsing.  You only need the two functions below, `remove_comments()` and
`remove_trailing_commas()` to accomplish this.  This script serves as an
example of how to use them but feel free to just copy & paste them into your
own code/projects.  Usage:: some_file.json Alternatively, you
can pipe JSON into this script and it'll clean it up:: cat some_file.json | Why would you do this?  So you can have human-generated .json
files (say, for configuration) that include comments and, really, who wants to
deal with catching all those trailing commas that might be present?  Here's an
example of a file that will be successfully cleaned up and JSON-parseable:

.. code-block:: javascript
        // A comment!  You normally can't put these in JSON
        "testing": {
            "foo": "bar", // <-- A trailing comma!  No worries.
        }, // <-- Another one!
        This style of comments will also be safely removed before parsing
FYI:  This script will also pretty-print the JSON after it's cleaned up (if
using it from the command line) with an indentation level of 4 (that is, four

__version__ = "1.0.0"
__version_info__ = (1, 0, 0)
__license__ = "Unlicense"
__author__ = "Dan McDougall <>"

import re

[docs]def remove_comments(json_like): r"""Remove C-style comments from *json_like* and returns the result. Example:: >>> test_json = '''\ { "foo": "bar", // This is a single-line comment "baz": "blah" /* Multi-line Comment */ }''' >>> remove_comments('{"foo":"bar","baz":"blah",}') '{\n "foo":"bar",\n "baz":"blah"\n}' """ comments_re = re.compile( r'//.*?$|/\*.*?\*/|\'(?:\\.|[^\\\'])*\'|"(?:\\.|[^\\"])*"', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE, ) def replacer(match): s = if s[0] == "/": return "" return s return comments_re.sub(replacer, json_like)
[docs]def remove_trailing_commas(json_like): """Remove trailing commas from *json_like* and returns the result. Example:: >>> remove_trailing_commas('{"foo":"bar","baz":["blah",],}') '{"foo":"bar","baz":["blah"]}' """ trailing_object_commas_re = re.compile( r'(,)\s*}(?=([^"\\]*(\\.|"([^"\\]*\\.)*[^"\\]*"))*[^"]*$)' ) trailing_array_commas_re = re.compile( r'(,)\s*\](?=([^"\\]*(\\.|"([^"\\]*\\.)*[^"\\]*"))*[^"]*$)' ) # Fix objects {} first objects_fixed = trailing_object_commas_re.sub("}", json_like) # Now fix arrays/lists [] and return the result return trailing_array_commas_re.sub("]", objects_fixed)