Distributed Training

We discuss how to use distributed training to train a Bootleg model on the full Wikipedia save. This tutorial assumes you have already completed the Basic Training Tutorial.

As Wikipedia has over 5 million entities and over 50 million sentences, training on the full Wikipedia save is computationally expensive. We recommend using a p4d.24xlarge instance on AWS to train on Wikipedia.

We provide a config for training Wikipedia here. Note this config is the config used to train the pretrained model provided in the End-to-End Tutorial.

1. Downloading the Data

We provide scripts to download:

  1. Prepped Wikipedia data (training and dev datasets)

  2. Wikipedia entity data and embedding data

To download the Wikipedia data, run the command below with the directory to download the data to. Note that the prepped Wikipedia data will require ~200GB of disk space and will take some time to download and decompress the prepped Wikipedia data (16GB compressed, ~150GB uncompressed).

bash download_wiki.sh <DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY>

To download (2) above, run the command

bash download_data.sh <DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY>

At the end, the directory structure should be


2. Setting up Distributed Training

Emmental, the training framework of Bootleg, supports distributed training using PyTorch’s Data Parallel or Distributed Data Parallel framework. We recommend DDP for training.

There is nothing that needs to change to get distributed training to work. We do, however, recommend setting the following params

    distributed_backend: nccl
    fp16: true

This allows for fp16 and making sure the nccl backend is used. Note that when training with DDP, the batch_size is per gpu. With standard data parallel, the batch_size is across all GPUs.

From the Basic Training Tutorial, recall that the directory paths should be set to where we want to save our models and read the data, including:

  • cache_dir in data_config.word_embedding

  • data_dir and entity_dir in data_config

We have already set these directories in the provided Wikipedia config, but you will need to update data_dir and entity_dir to where you downloaded the data in step 1 and may want to update log_dir to where you want to save the model checkpoints and logs.

3. Training the Model

As we provide the Wikipedia data already prepped, we can jump immediately to training. To train the model with 8 gpus using DDP, we simply run:

python3 -m torch.distributed.run --nproc_per_node=8  bootleg/run.py --config_script configs/tutorial/wiki_uncased_ft.yaml

To train using DP, simply run

python3 bootleg/run.py --config_script configs/tutorial/wiki_uncased_ft.yaml

and Emmental will automatically using distributed training (you can turn this off by dataparallel: false in the emmental config block.

Once the training begins, we should see all GPUs being utilized.

If we want to change the config (e.g. change the maximum number of aliases or the maximum word token len), we would need to re-prep the data and would run the command below. Note it takes several hours to perform Wikipedia pre-processing on a 56-core machine:

4. Evaluating with Slices

We use evaluation slices to understand the performance of Bootleg on important subsets of the dataset. To use evaluation slices, alias-entity pairs are labelled as belonging to specific slices in the slices key of the dataset.

In the Wikipedia data in this tutorial, we provide three “slices” of the dev dataset in addition to the “final_loss” (all examples) slice. For each of these three slices, the alias being scored must have more than one candidate. This filters trivial examples all models get correct.

  • unif_NS_TS: The gold entity does not occur in the training dataset (toes).

  • unif_NS_TL: The gold entity occurs globally 10 or fewer times in the training dataset (tail).

  • unif_NS_TO: The gold entity occurs globally between 11-1000 times in the training dataset (torso).

  • unif_NS_HD: The gold entity occurs globally greater than 1000 times in the training dataset (head).

  • unif_NS_all: All gold entities.

To use the slices for evaluation, they must also be specified in the eval_slices section of the run_config (see the Wikipedia config as an example).

When the dev evaluation occurs during training, we should see the performance on each of the slices that are specified in eval_slices. These slices help us understand how well Bootleg performs on more challenging subsets. The frequency of dev evaluation can be specified by the evaluation_freq parameter in the emmental block.