Model Overview

Given an input sentence, list of mentions to be disambiguated, and list of possible candidates for each mention (described in Input Data), Bootleg outputs the most likely candidate for each mention. Bootleg’s model is a biencoder architecture and consists of two components: the entity encoder and context encoder. For each entity candidate, the entity encoder generates an embedding representing this entity from a textual input containing entity information such as the title, description, and types. The context encoder embeds the mention and its surrounded context. The selected candidate is the one with the highest dot product.

We now describe each step in detail and explain how to add/remove different parts of the entity encoder in our Bootleg Config.

Entity Encoder

The entity encoder is a BERT Transformer that takes a textual input for an entity and feeds it through BERT. During training, we take the [CLS] token as the entity embedding. There are four pieces of information we add to the textual input for an entity:

  • title: Entity title. Comes from qid2title.json. This is always used.

  • description: Entity description. Comes from qid2desc.json. This is toggled on/off.

  • type: Entity type from one of the type systems specified in the config. If the entity has multiple types, we add them to the input as <type_1> ; <type_2> ; ...

  • KG: Entity KG relations specified in the config. We add KG relations to the input as <predicate_1> <object_1> ; <predicate_2> <object_2> ; ... where the head of each triple is the entity in question.

The final entity input is <title> [SEP] <types> [SEP] <relations> [SEP] <description>.

You control what inputs are added by the following part in the input config. All the relevant entity encoder code is in bootleg/

    use_entity_desc: true
      use_entity_types: true
      type_symbols_dir: type_mappings/wiki
      use_entity_kg: true
      kg_symbols_dir: kg_mappings
    max_seq_len: 128
    max_seq_window_len: 64
    max_ent_len: 128

Context Encoder

Like the entity encoder, our context encode takes the context of a mention and feeds it through a BERT Transformer. The [CLS] token is used as th e relevant mention embedding. To allow BERT to understand where the mention is, we separate it by [ENT_START] and [ENT_END] clauses. As shown above, you can specify the maximum sequence length for the context encoder and the maximum window length. All the relevant context encoder code is in bootleg/