Source code for bootleg.end2end.extract_mentions

Extract mentions.

This file takes in a jsonlines file with sentences
and extract aliases and spans using a pre-computed alias table.
import argparse
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import time

import jsonlines
import numpy as np
from import tqdm

from bootleg.symbols.constants import ANCHOR_KEY
from bootleg.symbols.entity_symbols import EntitySymbols
from bootleg.utils.classes.nested_vocab_tries import VocabularyTrie
from bootleg.utils.mention_extractor_utils import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    "ngram_spacy": ngram_spacy_extract_aliases,
    "spacy": spacy_extract_aliases,

[docs]def parse_args(): """Generate args.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--in_file", type=str, required=True, help="File to extract mentions from" ) parser.add_argument( "--out_file", type=str, required=True, help="File to write extracted mentions to", ) parser.add_argument( "--entity_db_dir", type=str, required=True, help="Path to entity db" ) parser.add_argument( "--extract_method", type=str, choices=list(MENTION_EXTRACTOR_OPTIONS.keys()), default="ngram_spacy", ) parser.add_argument("--min_alias_len", type=int, default=1) parser.add_argument("--max_alias_len", type=int, default=6) parser.add_argument("--num_workers", type=int, default=8) parser.add_argument("--num_chunks", type=int, default=8) parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true") return parser.parse_args()
[docs]def create_out_line(sent_obj, final_aliases, final_spans, found_char_spans): """Create JSON output line. Args: sent_obj: input sentence JSON final_aliases: list of final aliases final_spans: list of final spans found_char_spans: list of final char spans Returns: JSON object """ sent_obj["aliases"] = final_aliases sent_obj["spans"] = final_spans sent_obj["char_spans"] = found_char_spans # we don't know the true QID (or even if there is one) at this stage # we assign to the most popular candidate for now so models w/o NIL can also evaluate this data sent_obj["qids"] = ["Q-1"] * len(final_aliases) # global alias2qids # sent_obj["qids"] = [alias2qids[alias][0] for alias in final_aliases] sent_obj[ANCHOR_KEY] = [True] * len(final_aliases) return sent_obj
[docs]def chunk_text_data(input_src, chunk_files, chunk_size, num_lines): """Chunk text input file into chunk_size chunks. Args: input_src: input file chunk_files: list of chunk file names chunk_size: chunk size in number of lines num_lines: total number of lines """ logger.debug(f"Reading in {input_src}") start = time.time() # write out chunks as text data chunk_id = 0 num_lines_in_chunk = 0 # keep track of what files are written out_file = open(chunk_files[chunk_id], "w") with open(input_src, "r", encoding="utf-8") as in_file: for i, line in enumerate(in_file): out_file.write(line) num_lines_in_chunk += 1 # move on to new chunk when it hits chunk size if num_lines_in_chunk == chunk_size: chunk_id += 1 # reset number of lines in chunk and open new file if not at end num_lines_in_chunk = 0 out_file.close() if i < (num_lines - 1): out_file = open(chunk_files[chunk_id], "w") out_file.close() logger.debug(f"Wrote out data chunks in {round(time.time() - start, 2)}s")
[docs]def subprocess(args): """ Extract mentions single process. Args: args: subprocess args """ in_file = args["in_file"] out_file = args["out_file"] extact_method = args["extract_method"] min_alias_len = args["min_alias_len"] max_alias_len = args["max_alias_len"] verbose = args["verbose"] all_aliases = VocabularyTrie(load_dir=args["all_aliases_trie_f"]) num_lines = sum(1 for _ in open(in_file)) with as f_in,, "w") as f_out: for line in tqdm( f_in, total=num_lines, disable=not verbose, desc="Processing data" ): found_aliases, found_spans, found_char_spans = MENTION_EXTRACTOR_OPTIONS[ extact_method ](line["sentence"], all_aliases, min_alias_len, max_alias_len) f_out.write( create_out_line(line, found_aliases, found_spans, found_char_spans) )
[docs]def merge_files(chunk_outfiles, out_filepath): """Merge output files. Args: chunk_outfiles: list of chunk files out_filepath: final output file path """ sent_idx_unq = 0 with, "w") as f_out: for file in chunk_outfiles: with as f_in: for line in f_in: if "sent_idx_unq" not in line: line["sent_idx_unq"] = sent_idx_unq f_out.write(line) sent_idx_unq += 1
[docs]def extract_mentions( in_filepath, out_filepath, entity_db_dir, extract_method="ngram_spacy", min_alias_len=1, max_alias_len=6, num_workers=8, num_chunks=None, verbose=False, ): """Extract mentions from file. Args: in_filepath: input file out_filepath: output file entity_db_dir: path to entity db extract_method: mention extraction method min_alias_len: minimum alias length (in words) max_alias_len: maximum alias length (in words) num_workers: number of multiprocessing workers num_chunks: number of subchunks to feed to workers verbose: verbose boolean """ assert os.path.exists(in_filepath), f"{in_filepath} does not exist" entity_symbols: EntitySymbols = EntitySymbols.load_from_cache(entity_db_dir) all_aliases_trie: VocabularyTrie = entity_symbols.get_all_alias_vocabtrie() if num_chunks is None: num_chunks = num_workers start_time = time.time() # multiprocessing if num_workers > 1: prep_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(out_filepath), "prep") os.makedirs(prep_dir, exist_ok=True) all_aliases_trie_f = os.path.join(prep_dir, "mention_extract_alias.marisa") all_aliases_trie.dump(all_aliases_trie_f) # chunk file for multiprocessing num_lines = sum([1 for _ in open(in_filepath)]) num_processes = min(num_workers, int(multiprocessing.cpu_count())) num_chunks = min(num_lines, num_chunks) logger.debug(f"Using {num_processes} workers...") chunk_size = int(np.ceil(num_lines / num_chunks)) chunk_file_path = os.path.join(prep_dir, "data_chunk") chunk_infiles = [ f"{chunk_file_path}_{chunk_id}_in.jsonl" for chunk_id in range(num_chunks) ] chunk_text_data(in_filepath, chunk_infiles, chunk_size, num_lines) logger.debug("Calling subprocess...") # call subprocesses on chunks pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=num_processes) chunk_outfiles = [ f"{chunk_file_path}_{chunk_id}_out.jsonl" for chunk_id in range(num_chunks) ] subprocess_args = [ { "in_file": chunk_infiles[i], "out_file": chunk_outfiles[i], "extract_method": extract_method, "min_alias_len": min_alias_len, "max_alias_len": max_alias_len, "all_aliases_trie_f": all_aliases_trie_f, "verbose": verbose, } for i in range(num_chunks) ], subprocess_args) pool.close() pool.join() logger.debug("Merging files...") # write all chunks back in single file merge_files(chunk_outfiles, out_filepath) logger.debug("Removing temporary files...") # clean up and remove chunked files for file in chunk_infiles: try: os.remove(file) except PermissionError: pass for file in chunk_outfiles: try: os.remove(file) except PermissionError: pass try: os.remove(all_aliases_trie_f) except PermissionError: pass # single process else: logger.debug("Using 1 worker...") with, "r") as in_file, out_filepath, "w" ) as out_file: sent_idx_unq = 0 for line in in_file: ( found_aliases, found_spans, found_char_spans, ) = MENTION_EXTRACTOR_OPTIONS[extract_method]( line["sentence"], all_aliases_trie, min_alias_len, max_alias_len ) new_line = create_out_line( line, found_aliases, found_spans, found_char_spans ) if "sent_idx_unq" not in new_line: new_line["sent_idx_unq"] = sent_idx_unq sent_idx_unq += 1 out_file.write(new_line) logger.debug( f"Finished in {time.time() - start_time} seconds. Wrote out to {out_filepath}" )
[docs]def main(): """Run.""" args = parse_args() in_file = args.in_file out_file = args.out_file logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s %(message)s") print(args) extract_mentions( in_file, out_file, entity_db_dir=args.entity_db_dir, min_alias_len=args.min_alias_len, max_alias_len=args.max_alias_len, num_workers=args.num_workers, num_chunks=args.num_chunks, verbose=args.verbose, )
if __name__ == "__main__": main()