Source code for bootleg.end2end.bootleg_annotator

import logging
import os
import tarfile
import urllib
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, Union

import emmental
import numpy as np
import torch
from emmental.model import EmmentalModel
from import tqdm
from transformers import AutoTokenizer

from bootleg.dataset import extract_context, get_entity_string
from bootleg.end2end.annotator_utils import DownloadProgressBar
from bootleg.end2end.extract_mentions import MENTION_EXTRACTOR_OPTIONS
from bootleg.symbols.constants import PAD_ID
from bootleg.symbols.entity_symbols import EntitySymbols
from bootleg.symbols.kg_symbols import KGSymbols
from bootleg.symbols.type_symbols import TypeSymbols
from bootleg.task_config import NED_TASK
from bootleg.tasks import ned_task
from bootleg.utils import data_utils
from bootleg.utils.model_utils import get_max_candidates
from bootleg.utils.parser.parser_utils import parse_boot_and_emm_args
from bootleg.utils.utils import load_yaml_file

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    "bootleg_uncased": "",

[docs]def get_default_cache(): """Get default cache directory for saving Bootleg data.""" try: from torch.hub import _get_torch_home torch_cache_home = _get_torch_home() except ImportError: torch_cache_home = os.path.expanduser( os.getenv( "TORCH_HOME", os.path.join(os.getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME", "~/.cache"), "torch"), ) ) return Path(torch_cache_home) / "bootleg"
[docs]def create_config(model_path, data_path, model_name): """Create Bootleg config. Args: model_path: model directory data_path: data directory model_name: model name Returns: updated config """ config_file = model_path / model_name / "bootleg_config.yaml" config_args = load_yaml_file(config_file) # set the model checkpoint path config_args["emmental"]["model_path"] = str( model_path / model_name / "bootleg_wiki.pth" ) # set the path for the entity db and candidate map config_args["data_config"]["entity_dir"] = str(data_path / "entity_db") config_args["data_config"]["alias_cand_map"] = "alias2qids" # set the embedding paths config_args["data_config"]["word_embedding"]["cache_dir"] = str( data_path / "pretrained_bert_models" ) # set log path config_args["emmental"]["log_path"] = str(data_path / "log_dir") config_args = parse_boot_and_emm_args(config_args) return config_args
[docs]def create_sources(model_path, data_path, model_name): """Download Bootleg data and saves in log dir. Args: model_path: model directory data_path: data directory model_name: model name to download """ download_path = BOOTLEG_MODEL_PATHS[model_name] if not (model_path / model_name).exists(): print( f"{model_path / model_name} not found. Downloading from {download_path}.." ) urllib.request.urlretrieve( download_path, filename=str(model_path / f"{model_name}.tar.gz"), reporthook=DownloadProgressBar(), ) print("Downloaded. Decompressing...") tar = / f"{model_name}.tar.gz"), "r:gz") tar.extractall(model_path) tar.close() if not (data_path / "entity_db").exists(): print(f"{data_path / 'entity_db'} not found. Downloading..") urllib.request.urlretrieve( "", filename=str(data_path / "entity_db.tar.gz"), reporthook=DownloadProgressBar(), ) print("Downloaded. Decompressing...") tar = / "entity_db.tar.gz"), "r:gz") tar.extractall(data_path) tar.close()
[docs]class BootlegAnnotator(object): """ Bootleg on-the-fly annotator. BootlegAnnotator class: convenient wrapper of preprocessing and model eval to allow for annotating single sentences at a time for quick experimentation, e.g. in notebooks. Args: config: model config or path to config (default None) device: model device, -1 for CPU (default None) min_alias_len: minimum alias length (default 1) max_alias_len: maximum alias length (default 6) threshold: probability threshold (default 0.0) cache_dir: cache directory (default None) model_name: model name (default None) entity_emb_file: entity embedding file (default None) return_embs: whether to return entity embeddings or not (default False) return_ctx_embs: whether to return context embeddings or not (default False) extract_method: mention extraction method verbose: verbose boolean (default False) """ def __init__( self, config: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]] = None, device: int = None, min_alias_len: int = 1, max_alias_len: int = 6, threshold: float = 0.0, cache_dir: str = None, model_name: str = None, entity_emb_file: str = None, return_embs: bool = False, return_ctx_embs: bool = False, extract_method: str = "spacy", verbose: bool = False, ): """Bootleg annotator initializer.""" self.min_alias_len = min_alias_len self.max_alias_len = max_alias_len self.verbose = verbose self.threshold = threshold self.return_embs = return_embs self.return_ctx_embs = return_ctx_embs self.entity_emb_file = entity_emb_file self.extract_method = extract_method if self.entity_emb_file is not None: assert Path( self.entity_emb_file ).exists(), f"{self.entity_emb_file} must exist." if not cache_dir: self.cache_dir = get_default_cache() self.model_path = self.cache_dir / "models" self.data_path = self.cache_dir / "data" else: self.cache_dir = Path(cache_dir) self.model_path = self.cache_dir / "models" self.data_path = self.cache_dir / "data" if not model_name: model_name = "bootleg_uncased" assert model_name in { "bootleg_uncased", }, f"model_name must be bootleg_uncased. You have {model_name}." if not config: self.cache_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.model_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.data_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) create_sources(self.model_path, self.data_path, model_name) self.config = create_config(self.model_path, self.data_path, model_name) else: if isinstance(config, str): config = load_yaml_file(config) if "emmental" in config: config = parse_boot_and_emm_args(config) self.config = config # Ensure some of the critical annotator args are the correct type self.config.run_config.eval_batch_size = int( self.config.run_config.eval_batch_size ) self.config.data_config.max_seq_len = int( self.config.data_config.max_seq_len ) self.config.data_config.train_in_candidates = bool( self.config.data_config.train_in_candidates ) if entity_emb_file is not None: assert Path(entity_emb_file).exists(), f"{entity_emb_file} does not exist" if not device: device = 0 if torch.cuda.is_available() else -1 if self.verbose: self.config["run_config"]["log_level"] = "DEBUG" else: self.config["run_config"]["log_level"] = "INFO" self.torch_device = ( torch.device(device) if device != -1 else torch.device("cpu") ) self.config.model_config.device = device log_level = logging.getLevelName(self.config["run_config"]["log_level"].upper()) emmental.init( log_dir=self.config["meta_config"]["log_path"], config=self.config, use_exact_log_path=self.config["meta_config"]["use_exact_log_path"], level=log_level, ) logger.debug("Reading entity database") self.entity_db = EntitySymbols.load_from_cache( os.path.join( self.config.data_config.entity_dir, self.config.data_config.entity_map_dir, ), alias_cand_map_dir=self.config.data_config.alias_cand_map, alias_idx_dir=self.config.data_config.alias_idx_map, ) self.all_aliases_trie = self.entity_db.get_all_alias_vocabtrie() add_entity_type = self.config.data_config.entity_type_data.use_entity_types self.type_symbols = None # If we do not have self.entity_emb_file, then need to generate entity encoder input with metadata if add_entity_type and self.entity_emb_file is None: logger.debug("Reading entity type database") self.type_symbols = TypeSymbols.load_from_cache( os.path.join( self.config.data_config.entity_dir, self.config.data_config.entity_type_data.type_symbols_dir, ) ) add_entity_kg = self.config.data_config.entity_kg_data.use_entity_kg self.kg_symbols = None # If we do not have self.entity_emb_file, then need to generate entity encoder input with metadata if add_entity_kg and self.entity_emb_file is None: logger.debug("Reading entity kg database") self.kg_symbols = KGSymbols.load_from_cache( os.path.join( self.config.data_config.entity_dir, self.config.data_config.entity_kg_data.kg_symbols_dir, ) ) logger.debug("Reading word tokenizers") self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( self.config.data_config.word_embedding.bert_model, do_lower_case=True if "uncased" in self.config.data_config.word_embedding.bert_model else False, cache_dir=self.config.data_config.word_embedding.cache_dir, ) data_utils.add_special_tokens(self.tokenizer) # Create tasks self.task_to_label_dict = {NED_TASK: None} # Create tasks self.model = EmmentalModel(name="Bootleg") task_to_add = ned_task.create_task( self.config, use_batch_cands=False, len_context_tok=len(self.tokenizer), entity_emb_file=self.entity_emb_file, ) # As we manually keep track of the aliases for scoring, we only need the embeddings as action outputs task_to_add.action_outputs = ( [("entity_encoder", 0), ("context_encoder", 0)] if self.entity_emb_file is None else [("entity_encoder_static", 0), ("context_encoder", 0)] ) self.model.add_task(task_to_add) logger.debug("Loading model") # Load the best model from the pretrained model assert ( self.config["model_config"]["model_path"] is not None ), "Must have a model to load in the model_path for the BootlegAnnotator" self.model.load(self.config["model_config"]["model_path"]) self.model.eval()
[docs] def extract_mentions(self, text): """Mention extraction wrapper. Args: text: text to extract mentions from Returns: JSON object of sentence to be used in eval """ found_aliases, found_spans, found_char_spans = MENTION_EXTRACTOR_OPTIONS[ self.extract_method ](text, self.all_aliases_trie, self.min_alias_len, self.max_alias_len) return { "sentence": text, "aliases": found_aliases, "char_spans": found_char_spans, "cands": [self.entity_db.get_qid_cands(al) for al in found_aliases], # we don't know the true QID "qids": ["Q-1" for i in range(len(found_aliases))], "gold": [True for i in range(len(found_aliases))], }
[docs] def set_threshold(self, value): """Set threshold. Args: value: threshold value """ self.threshold = value
[docs] def label_mentions( self, text_list=None, extracted_examples=None, ): """Extract mentions and runs disambiguation. If user provides extracted_examples, we will ignore text_list. Args: text_list: list of text to disambiguate (or single string) (can be None if extracted_examples is not None) extracted_examples: List of Dicts of keys "sentence", "aliases", "spans", "cands" (QIDs) (optional) Returns: Dict of * ``qids``: final predicted QIDs, * ``probs``: final predicted probs, * ``titles``: final predicted titles, * ``cands``: all entity candidates, * ``cand_probs``: probabilities of all candidates, * ``char_spans``: final extracted char spans, * ``aliases``: final extracted aliases, * ``embs``: final entity contextualized embeddings (if return_embs is True) * ``cand_embs``: final candidate entity contextualized embeddings (if return_embs is True) """ # Check inputs are sane do_extract_mentions = True if extracted_examples is not None: do_extract_mentions = False assert ( type(extracted_examples) is list ), "Must provide a list of Dics for extracted_examples" check_ex = extracted_examples[0] assert ( len( {"sentence", "aliases", "char_spans", "cands"}.intersection( check_ex.keys() ) ) == 4 ), ( f"You must have keys of sentence, aliases, char_spans, and cands for extracted_examples. You have" f"{extracted_examples[0].keys()}" ) else: assert ( text_list is not None ), "If you do not provide extracted_examples you must provide text_list" if text_list is None: assert ( extracted_examples is not None ), "If you do not provide text_list you must provide extracted_exampels" else: if type(text_list) is str: text_list = [text_list] else: assert ( type(text_list) is list and len(text_list) > 0 and type(text_list[0]) is str ), "We only accept inputs of strings and lists of strings" # Get number of examples if extracted_examples is not None: num_exs = len(extracted_examples) else: num_exs = len(text_list) ebs = int(self.config.run_config.eval_batch_size) total_start_exs = 0 total_final_exs = 0 dropped_by_thresh = 0 batch_example_qid_cands = [] batch_example_eid_cands = [] batch_example_true_entities = [] batch_word_indices = [] batch_word_token_types = [] batch_word_attention = [] batch_ent_indices = [] batch_ent_token_types = [] batch_ent_attention = [] batch_char_spans_arr = [] batch_example_aliases = [] batch_idx_unq = [] for idx_unq in tqdm( range(num_exs), desc="Prepping data", total=num_exs, disable=not self.verbose, ): if do_extract_mentions: sample = self.extract_mentions(text_list[idx_unq]) else: sample = extracted_examples[idx_unq] # Add the unk qids and gold values sample["qids"] = ["Q-1" for _ in range(len(sample["aliases"]))] sample["gold"] = [True for _ in range(len(sample["aliases"]))] total_start_exs += len(sample["aliases"]) for men_idx in range(len(sample["aliases"])): # ==================================================== # GENERATE TEXT INPUTS # ==================================================== inputs = self.get_sentence_tokens(sample, men_idx) # ==================================================== # GENERATE CANDIDATE INPUTS # ==================================================== example_qid_cands = [ "-1" for _ in range( get_max_candidates(self.entity_db, self.config.data_config) ) ] example_eid_cands = [ -1 for _ in range( get_max_candidates(self.entity_db, self.config.data_config) ) ] # generate indexes into alias table. alias_qids = np.array(sample["cands"][men_idx]) # first entry is the non candidate class (NC and eid 0) - used when train in cands is false # if we train in candidates, this gets overwritten example_qid_cands[0] = "NC" example_qid_cands[ (not self.config.data_config.train_in_candidates) : len(alias_qids) + (not self.config.data_config.train_in_candidates) ] = sample["cands"][men_idx] example_eid_cands[0] = 0 example_eid_cands[ (not self.config.data_config.train_in_candidates) : len(alias_qids) + (not self.config.data_config.train_in_candidates) ] = [self.entity_db.get_eid(q) for q in sample["cands"][men_idx]] if not sample["qids"][men_idx] in alias_qids: # assert not data_args.train_in_candidates if not self.config.data_config.train_in_candidates: # set class label to be "not in candidate set" true_entity_idx = 0 else: true_entity_idx = -2 else: # Here we are getting the correct class label for training. # Our training is "which of the max_entities entity candidates is the right one # (class labels 1 to max_entities) or is it none of these (class label 0)". # + (not discard_noncandidate_entities) is to ensure label 0 is # reserved for "not in candidate set" class true_entity_idx = np.nonzero(alias_qids == sample["qids"][men_idx])[ 0 ][0] + (not self.config.data_config.train_in_candidates) # Get candidate tokens example_cand_input_ids = [] example_cand_token_type_ids = [] example_cand_attention_mask = [] if self.entity_emb_file is None: entity_tokens = [ self.get_entity_tokens(cand_qid) for cand_qid in example_qid_cands ] example_cand_input_ids = [ ent_toks["input_ids"] for ent_toks in entity_tokens ] example_cand_token_type_ids = [ ent_toks["token_type_ids"] for ent_toks in entity_tokens ] example_cand_attention_mask = [ ent_toks["attention_mask"] for ent_toks in entity_tokens ] # ==================================================== # ACCUMULATE # ==================================================== batch_example_qid_cands.append(example_qid_cands) batch_example_eid_cands.append(example_eid_cands) batch_example_true_entities.append(true_entity_idx) batch_word_indices.append(inputs["input_ids"]) batch_word_token_types.append(inputs["token_type_ids"]) batch_word_attention.append(inputs["attention_mask"]) batch_ent_indices.append(example_cand_input_ids) batch_ent_token_types.append(example_cand_token_type_ids) batch_ent_attention.append(example_cand_attention_mask) batch_example_aliases.append(sample["aliases"][men_idx]) batch_char_spans_arr.append(sample["char_spans"][men_idx]) batch_idx_unq.append(idx_unq) batch_example_eid_cands = torch.tensor(batch_example_eid_cands).long() batch_example_true_entities = torch.tensor(batch_example_true_entities) final_pred_cands = [[] for _ in range(num_exs)] final_all_cands = [[] for _ in range(num_exs)] final_cand_probs = [[] for _ in range(num_exs)] final_pred_probs = [[] for _ in range(num_exs)] final_entity_embs = [[] for _ in range(num_exs)] final_ctx_embs = [[] for _ in range(num_exs)] final_entity_cand_embs = [[] for _ in range(num_exs)] final_titles = [[] for _ in range(num_exs)] final_char_spans = [[] for _ in range(num_exs)] final_aliases = [[] for _ in range(num_exs)] for b_i in tqdm( range(0, len(batch_word_indices), ebs), desc="Evaluating model", disable=not self.verbose, ): x_dict = self.get_forward_batch( input_ids=torch.tensor(batch_word_indices)[b_i : b_i + ebs], token_type_ids=torch.tensor(batch_word_token_types)[b_i : b_i + ebs], attention_mask=torch.tensor(batch_word_attention)[b_i : b_i + ebs], entity_token_ids=torch.tensor(batch_ent_indices)[b_i : b_i + ebs], entity_type_ids=torch.tensor(batch_ent_token_types)[b_i : b_i + ebs], entity_attention_mask=torch.tensor(batch_ent_attention)[ b_i : b_i + ebs ], entity_cand_eid=batch_example_eid_cands[b_i : b_i + ebs], generate_entity_inputs=(self.entity_emb_file is None), ) x_dict["guid"] = torch.arange(b_i, b_i + ebs, device=self.torch_device) with torch.no_grad(): res = self.model( # type: ignore uids=x_dict["guid"], X_dict=x_dict, Y_dict=None, task_to_label_dict=self.task_to_label_dict, return_loss=False, return_probs=True, return_action_outputs=self.return_embs or self.return_ctx_embs, ) del x_dict if not self.return_embs and not self.return_ctx_embs: (uid_bdict, _, prob_bdict, _) = res output_embs = None output_ctx_embs = None else: (uid_bdict, _, prob_bdict, _, out_bdict) = res if self.return_embs: output_embs = out_bdict[NED_TASK][ "entity_encoder_0" if (self.entity_emb_file is None) else "entity_encoder_static_0" ] else: output_embs = None if self.return_ctx_embs: output_ctx_embs = out_bdict[NED_TASK]["context_encoder_0"] else: output_ctx_embs = None # ==================================================== # EVALUATE MODEL OUTPUTS # ==================================================== # recover predictions probs = prob_bdict[NED_TASK] max_probs = probs.max(1) max_probs_indices = probs.argmax(1) for ex_i in range(probs.shape[0]): idx_unq = batch_idx_unq[b_i + ex_i] entity_cands = batch_example_qid_cands[b_i + ex_i] # batch size is 1 so we can reshape probs_ex = probs[ex_i].tolist() true_entity_pos_idx = batch_example_true_entities[b_i + ex_i] if true_entity_pos_idx != PAD_ID: pred_idx = max_probs_indices[ex_i] pred_prob = max_probs[ex_i].item() pred_qid = entity_cands[pred_idx] if pred_prob > self.threshold: final_all_cands[idx_unq].append(entity_cands) final_cand_probs[idx_unq].append(probs_ex) final_pred_cands[idx_unq].append(pred_qid) final_pred_probs[idx_unq].append(pred_prob) if self.return_embs: final_entity_embs[idx_unq].append( output_embs[ex_i][pred_idx] ) final_entity_cand_embs[idx_unq].append(output_embs[ex_i]) if self.return_ctx_embs: final_ctx_embs[idx_unq].append(output_ctx_embs[ex_i]) final_aliases[idx_unq].append(batch_example_aliases[b_i + ex_i]) final_char_spans[idx_unq].append( batch_char_spans_arr[b_i + ex_i] ) final_titles[idx_unq].append( self.entity_db.get_title(pred_qid) if pred_qid != "NC" else "NC" ) total_final_exs += 1 else: dropped_by_thresh += 1 assert total_final_exs + dropped_by_thresh == total_start_exs, ( f"Something went wrong and we have predicted fewer mentions than extracted. " f"Start {total_start_exs}, Out {total_final_exs}, No cand {dropped_by_thresh}" ) res_dict = { "qids": final_pred_cands, "probs": final_pred_probs, "titles": final_titles, "cands": final_all_cands, "cand_probs": final_cand_probs, "char_spans": final_char_spans, "aliases": final_aliases, } if self.return_embs: res_dict["embs"] = final_entity_embs res_dict["cand_embs"] = final_entity_cand_embs if self.return_ctx_embs: res_dict["ctx_embs"] = final_ctx_embs return res_dict
[docs] def get_sentence_tokens(self, sample, men_idx): """ Get context tokens. Args: sample: Dict sample after extraction men_idx: mention index to select Returns: Dict of tokenized outputs """ span = sample["char_spans"][men_idx] context = extract_context( span, sample["sentence"], self.config.data_config.max_seq_window_len, self.tokenizer, ) inputs = self.tokenizer( context, padding="max_length", add_special_tokens=True, truncation=True, max_length=self.config.data_config.max_seq_len, return_overflowing_tokens=False, ) return inputs
[docs] def get_entity_tokens(self, qid): """ Get entity tokens. Args: qid: entity QID Returns: Dict of input tokens for forward pass. """ constants = { "max_ent_len": self.config.data_config.max_ent_len, "max_ent_type_len": self.config.data_config.entity_type_data.max_ent_type_len, "max_ent_kg_len": self.config.data_config.entity_kg_data.max_ent_kg_len, "use_types": self.config.data_config.entity_type_data.use_entity_types, "use_kg": self.config.data_config.entity_kg_data.use_entity_kg, "use_desc": self.config.data_config.use_entity_desc, } ent_str, title_spans, over_type_len, over_kg_len = get_entity_string( qid, constants, self.entity_db, self.kg_symbols, self.type_symbols, ) inputs = self.tokenizer( ent_str, padding="max_length", add_special_tokens=True, truncation=True, max_length=constants["max_ent_len"], ) return inputs
[docs] def get_forward_batch( self, input_ids, token_type_ids, attention_mask, entity_token_ids, entity_type_ids, entity_attention_mask, entity_cand_eid, generate_entity_inputs, ): """Generate emmental batch. Args: input_ids: word token ids token_type_ids: word token type ids attention_mask: work attention mask entity_token_ids: entity token ids entity_type_ids: entity type ids entity_attention_mask: entity attention mask entity_cand_eid: entity candidate eids generate_entity_inputs: whether to generate entity id inputs Returns: X_dict for emmental """ entity_cand_eval_mask = entity_cand_eid == -1 entity_cand_eid_noneg = torch.where( entity_cand_eid >= 0, entity_cand_eid, ( torch.ones_like(entity_cand_eid, dtype=torch.long) * (self.entity_db.num_entities_with_pad_and_nocand - 1) ), ) X_dict = { "guids": [], "input_ids":, "token_type_ids":, "attention_mask":, "entity_cand_eid":, "entity_cand_eval_mask":, } if generate_entity_inputs: X_dict["entity_cand_input_ids"] = X_dict["entity_cand_token_type_ids"] = X_dict["entity_cand_attention_mask"] = self.torch_device ) return X_dict