Source code for bootleg.dataset

"""Bootleg NED Dataset."""
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import re
import shutil
import sys
import time
import traceback
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np
import torch
import ujson
from import EmmentalDataset
from import tqdm

from bootleg import log_rank_0_debug, log_rank_0_info
from bootleg.layers.alias_to_ent_encoder import AliasEntityTable
from bootleg.symbols.constants import ANCHOR_KEY, PAD_ID, STOP_WORDS
from bootleg.symbols.entity_symbols import EntitySymbols
from bootleg.symbols.kg_symbols import KGSymbols
from bootleg.symbols.type_symbols import TypeSymbols
from bootleg.utils import data_utils, utils

    message="Could not import the lzma module. Your installed Python is incomplete. "
    "Attempting to use lzma compression will result in a RuntimeError.",
    message="FutureWarning: Passing (type, 1) or '1type'*",

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Removes warnings about TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM
os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "false"

[docs]class InputExample(object): """A single training/test example for prediction.""" def __init__( self, sent_idx, subsent_idx, alias_list_pos, alias_to_predict, span, phrase, alias, qid, qid_cnt_mask_score, ): """Init InputExample.""" assert ( type(sent_idx) is int ), f"We need the sentence index is an int. You have {type(sent_idx)}" self.sent_idx = int(sent_idx) self.subsent_idx = subsent_idx self.alias_list_pos = alias_list_pos self.alias_to_predict = alias_to_predict self.span = span self.phrase = phrase self.alias = alias self.qid = qid self.qid_cnt_mask_score = qid_cnt_mask_score
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Return dictionary of object.""" return { "sent_idx": self.sent_idx, "subsent_idx": self.subsent_idx, "alias_list_pos": self.alias_list_pos, "alias_to_predict": self.alias_to_predict, "span": self.span, "phrase": self.phrase, "alias": self.alias, "qid": self.qid, "qid_cnt_mask_score": self.qid_cnt_mask_score, }
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, in_dict): """Create pobject from dictionary.""" return cls( in_dict["sent_idx"], in_dict["subsent_idx"], in_dict["alias_list_pos"], in_dict["alias_to_predict"], in_dict["span"], in_dict["phrase"], in_dict["alias"], in_dict["qid"], in_dict["qid_cnt_mask_score"], )
[docs]class InputFeatures(object): """A single set of features of data.""" def __init__( self, alias_idx, word_input_ids, word_token_type_ids, word_attention_mask, word_qid_cnt_mask_score, gold_eid, for_dump_gold_eid, gold_cand_K_idx, for_dump_gold_cand_K_idx_train, alias_list_pos, sent_idx, subsent_idx, guid, ): """Initialize InputFeature.""" self.alias_idx = alias_idx self.word_input_ids = word_input_ids self.word_token_type_ids = word_token_type_ids self.word_attention_mask = word_attention_mask self.word_qid_cnt_mask_score = word_qid_cnt_mask_score self.gold_eid = gold_eid self.for_dump_gold_eid = for_dump_gold_eid self.gold_cand_K_idx = gold_cand_K_idx self.for_dump_gold_cand_K_idx_train = for_dump_gold_cand_K_idx_train self.alias_list_pos = alias_list_pos self.sent_idx = sent_idx self.subsent_idx = subsent_idx self.guid = guid
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Return dictionary of object.""" return { "alias_idx": self.alias_idx, "word_input_ids": self.word_input_ids, "word_token_type_ids": self.word_token_type_ids, "word_attention_mask": self.word_attention_mask, "word_qid_cnt_mask_score": self.word_qid_cnt_mask_score, "gold_eid": self.gold_eid, "for_dump_gold_eid": self.for_dump_gold_eid, "gold_cand_K_idx": self.gold_cand_K_idx, "for_dump_gold_cand_K_idx_train": self.for_dump_gold_cand_K_idx_train, "alias_list_pos": self.alias_list_pos, "sent_idx": self.sent_idx, "subsent_idx": self.subsent_idx, "guid": self.guid, }
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, in_dict): """Create pobject from dictionary.""" return cls( alias_idx=in_dict["alias_idx"], word_input_ids=in_dict["word_input_ids"], word_token_type_ids=in_dict["word_token_type_ids"], word_attention_mask=in_dict["word_attention_mask"], word_qid_cnt_mask_score=in_dict["word_qid_cnt_mask_score"], gold_eid=in_dict["gold_eid"], for_dump_gold_eid=in_dict["for_dump_gold_eid"], gold_cand_K_idx=in_dict["gold_cand_K_idx"], for_dump_gold_cand_K_idx_train=in_dict["for_dump_gold_cand_K_idx_train"], alias_list_pos=in_dict["alias_list_pos"], sent_idx=in_dict["sent_idx"], subsent_idx=in_dict["subsent_idx"], guid=in_dict["guid"], )
[docs]def extract_context(span, sentence, max_seq_window_len, tokenizer): """Extract the left and right context window around a span. Args: span: character span (left and right values) sentence: sentence max_seq_window_len: maximum window length around a span tokenizer: tokenizer Returns: context window """ start_token_pieces = [] if span[0] > 0 and sentence[span[0] - 1] != " ": start_token_pieces.append(" ") start_token_pieces.append("[ent_start]") if span[0] < len(sentence) and sentence[span[0]] != " ": start_token_pieces.append(" ") end_token_pieces = [] if span[1] > 0 and sentence[span[1] - 1] != " ": end_token_pieces.append(" ") end_token_pieces.append("[ent_end]") if span[1] < len(sentence) and sentence[span[1]] != " ": end_token_pieces.append(" ") char_window_around_mention = ( tokenizer.model_max_length * 20 ) # Assumes max 20 chars per token with_entity_toks = ( f"{sentence[max(0, span[0]-char_window_around_mention):span[0]]}" f"{''.join(start_token_pieces)}" f"{sentence[span[0]:span[1]]}" f"{''.join(end_token_pieces)}" f"{sentence[span[1]:span[1]+char_window_around_mention]}" ) tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(with_entity_toks) # New indexes including ent start and end span_tok_l = tokens.index("[ent_start]") span_tok_r = tokens.index("[ent_end]") + 1 # If more tokens to the right, shift weight there if span_tok_l < len(tokens) - span_tok_r: prev_context = tokens[max(0, span_tok_l - max_seq_window_len // 2) : span_tok_l] # Add in the mention tokens next_context = tokens[ span_tok_l : span_tok_r + max_seq_window_len - len(prev_context) ] else: next_context = tokens[span_tok_r : span_tok_r + max_seq_window_len // 2] # Add in the mention tokens prev_context = tokens[ max(0, span_tok_l - (max_seq_window_len - len(next_context))) : span_tok_r ] context = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_string(prev_context + next_context) return context
[docs]def get_structural_entity_str(items, max_tok_len, sep_tok): """Return sep_tok joined list of items of strucutral resources. Args: items: list of structural resources max_tok_len: maximum token length sep_tok: token to separate out resources Returns: result string, number of items that went beyond ``max_tok_len`` """ i = 1 over_len = 0 while True: res = f" {sep_tok} " + f" {sep_tok} ".join(items[:i]) if len(res.split()) > max_tok_len or i > len(items): if i < len(items): over_len = 1 res = f" {sep_tok} " + f" {sep_tok} ".join(items[: max(1, i - 1)]) break i += 1 return res, over_len
[docs]def get_entity_string( qid, constants, entity_symbols, kg_symbols, type_symbols, ): """ Get string representation of entity. For each entity, generates a string that is fed into a language model to generate an entity embedding. Returns all tokens that are the title of the entity (even if in the description) Args: qid: QID constants: Dict of constants entity_symbols: entity symbols kg_symbols: kg symbols type_symbols: type symbols Returns: entity strings, number of types over max length, number of relations over max length """ over_kg_len = 0 over_type_len = 0 desc_str = ( "[ent_desc] " + entity_symbols.get_desc(qid) if constants["use_desc"] else "" ) title_str = entity_symbols.get_title(qid) if entity_symbols.qid_exists(qid) else "" # To encourage mention similarity, we remove the (<type>) from titles title_str = re.sub(r"(\(.*\))", r"", title_str).strip() # To add kgs, sep by "[ent_kg]" and then truncate to max_ent_kg_len # Then merge with description text if constants["use_kg"]: # Triples stores "relation tail_qid_title" (e.g. "is member of Manchester United" for qid = David Beckham) triples = [] for rel, tail_qids in kg_symbols.get_relations_tails_for_qid(qid).items(): for tail_q in tail_qids: if not entity_symbols.qid_exists(tail_q): continue triples.append(rel + " " + entity_symbols.get_title(tail_q)) kg_str, over_len = get_structural_entity_str( triples, constants["max_ent_kg_len"], "[ent_kg]", ) over_kg_len += over_len desc_str = " ".join([kg_str, desc_str]) # To add types, sep by "[ent_type]" and then truncate to max_type_ent_len # Then merge with description text if constants["use_types"]: type_str, over_len = get_structural_entity_str( type_symbols.get_types(qid), constants["max_ent_type_len"], "[ent_type]", ) over_type_len += over_len desc_str = " ".join([type_str, desc_str]) ent_str = " ".join([title_str, desc_str]) # Remove double spaces ent_split = ent_str.split() ent_str = " ".join(ent_split) title_spans = [] if len(title_str) > 0: # Find all occurrences of title words in the ent_str (helps if description has abbreviated name) # Make sure you don't mask any types or kg relations title_pieces = set(title_str.split()) to_skip = False for e_id, ent_w in enumerate(ent_split): if ent_w == "[ent_type]": to_skip = True if ent_w == "[ent_desc]": to_skip = False if to_skip: continue if ent_w in title_pieces and ent_w not in STOP_WORDS: title_spans.append(e_id) # all_title_occ = re.finditer(f"({title_str})", ent_str) # all_spaces = np.array([m.start() for m in re.finditer("\s", ent_str)]) # for match in all_title_occ: # start_w = np.sum(all_spaces < match.start()) # end_w = np.sum(all_spaces <= match.end()) # for i in range(start_w, end_w): # title_spans.append(i) return ent_str, title_spans, over_type_len, over_kg_len
[docs]def create_examples_initializer(constants_dict, tokenizer): """Create examples multiprocessing initializer.""" global constants_global constants_global = constants_dict global tokenizer_global tokenizer_global = tokenizer
[docs]def create_examples( dataset, create_ex_indir, create_ex_outdir, meta_file, data_config, dataset_threads, use_weak_label, split, is_bert, tokenizer, ): """Create examples from the raw input data. Args: dataset: data file to read create_ex_indir: temporary directory where input files are stored create_ex_outdir: temporary directory to store output files from method meta_file: metadata file to save the file names/paths for the next step in prep pipeline data_config: data config dataset_threads: number of threads use_weak_label: whether to use weak labeling or not split: data split is_bert: is the tokenizer a BERT one tokenizer: tokenizer """ start = time.time() num_processes = min(dataset_threads, int(0.8 * multiprocessing.cpu_count())) qidcnt_file = os.path.join(data_config.data_dir, data_config.qid_cnt_map) log_rank_0_debug(logger, "Counting lines") total_input = sum(1 for _ in open(dataset)) constants_dict = { "is_bert": is_bert, "use_weak_label": use_weak_label, "split": split, "qidcnt_file": qidcnt_file, "max_seq_len": data_config.max_seq_len, "max_seq_window_len": data_config.max_seq_window_len, } if not os.path.exists(qidcnt_file): log_rank_0_info( logger, f"{qidcnt_file} does not exist. Using uniform counts..." ) if num_processes == 1: out_file_name = os.path.join(create_ex_outdir, os.path.basename(dataset)) res = create_examples_single( in_file_idx=0, in_file_name=dataset, in_file_lines=total_input, out_file_name=out_file_name, constants_dict=constants_dict, tokenizer=tokenizer, ) files_and_counts = {} total_output = res["total_lines"] files_and_counts[res["output_filename"]] = res["total_lines"] else: log_rank_0_info( logger, f"Starting to extract examples using {num_processes} processes" ) chunk_input = int(np.ceil(total_input / num_processes)) log_rank_0_debug( logger, f"Chunking up {total_input} lines into subfiles of size {chunk_input} lines", ) total_input_from_chunks, input_files_dict = utils.chunk_file( dataset, create_ex_indir, chunk_input ) input_files = list(input_files_dict.keys()) input_file_lines = [input_files_dict[k] for k in input_files] output_files = [ in_file_name.replace(create_ex_indir, create_ex_outdir) for in_file_name in input_files ] assert ( total_input == total_input_from_chunks ), f"Lengths of files {total_input} doesn't mathc {total_input_from_chunks}" log_rank_0_debug(logger, "Done chunking files. Starting pool.") pool = multiprocessing.Pool( processes=num_processes, initializer=create_examples_initializer, initargs=[constants_dict, tokenizer], ) total_output = 0 input_args = list( zip( list(range(len(input_files))), input_files, input_file_lines, output_files, ) ) # Store output files and counts for saving in next step files_and_counts = {} for res in pool.imap_unordered(create_examples_hlp, input_args, chunksize=1): total_output += res["total_lines"] files_and_counts[res["output_filename"]] = res["total_lines"] pool.close() pool.join() utils.dump_json_file( meta_file, {"num_mentions": total_output, "files_and_counts": files_and_counts} ) log_rank_0_debug( logger, f"Done with extracting examples in {time.time() - start}. " f"Total lines seen {total_input}. Total lines kept {total_output}.", ) return
[docs]def create_examples_hlp(args): """Create examples multiprocessing helper.""" in_file_idx, in_file_name, in_file_lines, out_file_name = args return create_examples_single( in_file_idx, in_file_name, in_file_lines, out_file_name, constants_global, tokenizer_global, )
[docs]def create_examples_single( in_file_idx, in_file_name, in_file_lines, out_file_name, constants_dict, tokenizer ): """Create examples.""" split = constants_dict["split"] max_seq_window_len = constants_dict["max_seq_window_len"] use_weak_label = constants_dict["use_weak_label"] qidcnt_file = constants_dict["qidcnt_file"] qid2cnt = {} quantile_buckets = [float(i / 100) for i in list(range(0, 101, 5))] # If not qid2cnt, the quantile_bucket will be 1.0 quants = np.array([-1 for _ in quantile_buckets]) quants[-1] = 0 if os.path.exists(qidcnt_file): qid2cnt = ujson.load(open(qidcnt_file)) quants = np.quantile(list(qid2cnt.values()), quantile_buckets) with open(out_file_name, "w", encoding="utf-8") as out_f: total_subsents = 0 total_lines = 0 for ex in tqdm( open(in_file_name, "r", encoding="utf-8"), total=in_file_lines, desc=f"{in_file_idx}", position=in_file_idx, ): total_lines += 1 line = ujson.loads(ex) assert "sent_idx_unq" in line assert "aliases" in line assert "qids" in line assert "char_spans" in line, ( 'Require "char_spans" to be input. ' "See utils/preprocessing/" ) assert "sentence" in line assert ANCHOR_KEY in line sent_idx = line["sent_idx_unq"] # aliases are assumed to be lower-cased in candidate map aliases = [alias.lower() for alias in line["aliases"]] qids = line["qids"] spans = line["char_spans"] phrase = line["sentence"] assert ( len(spans) == len(aliases) == len(qids) ), "lengths of alias-related values not equal" # For datasets, we see all aliases, unless use_weak_label is turned off # aliases_seen_by_model = [i for i in range(len(aliases))] anchor = [True for i in range(len(aliases))] if ANCHOR_KEY in line: anchor = line[ANCHOR_KEY] assert len(aliases) == len(anchor) assert all(isinstance(a, bool) for a in anchor) for span in spans: assert ( len(span) == 2 ), f"Span should be len 2. Your span {span} is {len(span)}" assert span[1] <= len( phrase ), f"You have span {span} that is beyond the length of the sentence {phrase}" if not use_weak_label: aliases = [aliases[i] for i in range(len(anchor)) if anchor[i] is True] qids = [qids[i] for i in range(len(anchor)) if anchor[i] is True] spans = [spans[i] for i in range(len(anchor)) if anchor[i] is True] # aliases_seen_by_model = [i for i in range(len(aliases))] anchor = [True for i in range(len(aliases))] # Happens if use weak labels is False if len(aliases) == 0: continue for subsent_idx in range(len(aliases)): span = spans[subsent_idx] alias_anchor = anchor[subsent_idx] alias = aliases[subsent_idx] qid = qids[subsent_idx] context = extract_context(span, phrase, max_seq_window_len, tokenizer) # Get the percentile bucket between [0, 1] # Large counts will be closer to 1 qid_cnt_mask_score = quantile_buckets[sum(qid2cnt.get(qid, 0) > quants)] assert 0 <= qid_cnt_mask_score <= 100 new_span = [ context.index("[ent_start]"), context.index("[ent_end]") + len("[ent_end]"), ] # alias_to_predict_arr is an index into idxs_arr/anchor_arr/aliases_arr. # It should only include true anchors if eval dataset. # During training want to backpropagate on false anchors as well if split != "train": alias_to_predict = 0 if alias_anchor is True else -1 else: alias_to_predict = 0 total_subsents += 1 out_f.write( ujson.dumps( InputExample( sent_idx=sent_idx, subsent_idx=subsent_idx, alias_list_pos=subsent_idx, alias_to_predict=alias_to_predict, span=new_span, phrase=context, alias=alias, qid=qid, qid_cnt_mask_score=qid_cnt_mask_score, ).to_dict(), ensure_ascii=False, ) + "\n" ) return {"total_lines": total_subsents, "output_filename": out_file_name}
[docs]def convert_examples_to_features_and_save_initializer( tokenizer, data_config, save_dataset_name, save_labels_name, X_storage, Y_storage, ): """Create examples multiprocessing initializer.""" global tokenizer_global tokenizer_global = tokenizer global entitysymbols_global entitysymbols_global = EntitySymbols.load_from_cache( load_dir=os.path.join(data_config.entity_dir, data_config.entity_map_dir), alias_cand_map_dir=data_config.alias_cand_map, alias_idx_dir=data_config.alias_idx_map, ) global mmap_file_global mmap_file_global = np.memmap(save_dataset_name, dtype=X_storage, mode="r+") global mmap_label_file_global mmap_label_file_global = np.memmap(save_labels_name, dtype=Y_storage, mode="r+")
[docs]def convert_examples_to_features_and_save( meta_file, guid_dtype, data_config, dataset_threads, use_weak_label, split, is_bert, save_dataset_name, save_labels_name, X_storage, Y_storage, tokenizer, entity_symbols, ): """ Create features from examples. Converts the prepped examples into input features and saves in memmap files. These are used in the __get_item__ method. Args: meta_file: metadata file where input file paths are saved guid_dtype: unique identifier dtype data_config: data config dataset_threads: number of threads use_weak_label: whether to use weak labeling or not split: data split is_bert: is the tokenizer a BERT tokenizer save_dataset_name: data features file name to save save_labels_name: data labels file name to save X_storage: data features storage type (for memmap) Y_storage: data labels storage type (for memmap) tokenizer: tokenizer entity_symbols: entity symbols """ start = time.time() num_processes = min(dataset_threads, int(0.8 * multiprocessing.cpu_count())) # One example per mention per candidate total_input = utils.load_json_file(meta_file)["num_mentions"] files_and_counts = utils.load_json_file(meta_file)["files_and_counts"] # IMPORTANT: for distributed writing to memmap files, you must create them in w+ mode before being opened in r+ memmap_file = np.memmap( save_dataset_name, dtype=X_storage, mode="w+", shape=(total_input,), order="C" ) # Save -1 in sent_idx to check that things are loaded correctly later memmap_file["sent_idx"][:] = -1 memmap_label_file = np.memmap( save_labels_name, dtype=Y_storage, mode="w+", shape=(total_input,), order="C" ) input_args = [] # Saves where in memap file to start writing offset = 0 for i, in_file_name in enumerate(files_and_counts.keys()): input_args.append( { "file_name": in_file_name, "in_file_idx": i, "in_file_lines": files_and_counts[in_file_name], "save_file_offset": offset, "ex_print_mod": int(np.ceil(total_input / 20)), "guid_dtype": guid_dtype, "is_bert": is_bert, "use_weak_label": use_weak_label, "split": split, "max_seq_len": data_config.max_seq_len, "train_in_candidates": data_config.train_in_candidates, "print_examples": data_config.print_examples_prep, } ) offset += files_and_counts[in_file_name] if num_processes == 1: assert len(input_args) == 1 total_output = convert_examples_to_features_and_save_single( input_args[0], tokenizer, entity_symbols, memmap_file, memmap_label_file, ) else: log_rank_0_debug( logger, "Initializing pool. This make take a few minutes.", ) pool = multiprocessing.Pool( processes=num_processes, initializer=convert_examples_to_features_and_save_initializer, initargs=[ tokenizer, data_config, save_dataset_name, save_labels_name, X_storage, Y_storage, ], ) total_output = 0 for res in pool.imap_unordered( convert_examples_to_features_and_save_hlp, input_args, chunksize=1 ): c = res total_output += c pool.close() # Verify that sentences are unique and saved correctly mmap_file = np.memmap(save_dataset_name, dtype=X_storage, mode="r") all_uniq_ids = set() for i in tqdm(range(total_input), desc="Checking sentence uniqueness"): assert mmap_file["sent_idx"][i] != -1, f"Index {i} has -1 sent idx" uniq_id_without_al = str( f"{mmap_file['sent_idx'][i]}.{mmap_file['subsent_idx'][i]}" ) assert ( uniq_id_without_al not in all_uniq_ids ), f"Idx {uniq_id_without_al} is not unique and already in data" all_uniq_ids.add(uniq_id_without_al) log_rank_0_debug( logger, f"Done with extracting examples in {time.time() - start}. Total lines seen {total_input}. " f"Total lines kept {total_output}.", ) return
[docs]def convert_examples_to_features_and_save_hlp(input_dict): """Convert examples to features multiprocessing initializer.""" return convert_examples_to_features_and_save_single( input_dict, tokenizer_global, entitysymbols_global, mmap_file_global, mmap_label_file_global, )
[docs]def convert_examples_to_features_and_save_single( input_dict, tokenizer, entitysymbols, mmap_file, mmap_label_file, ): """Convert examples to features multiprocessing helper.""" file_name = input_dict["file_name"] in_file_idx = input_dict["in_file_idx"] in_file_lines = input_dict["in_file_lines"] save_file_offset = input_dict["save_file_offset"] ex_print_mod = input_dict["ex_print_mod"] guid_dtype = input_dict["guid_dtype"] print_examples = input_dict["print_examples"] max_seq_len = input_dict["max_seq_len"] split = input_dict["split"] train_in_candidates = input_dict["train_in_candidates"] # if not train_in_candidates: # raise NotImplementedError("train_in_candidates of False is not fully supported yet") max_total_input_len = max_seq_len total_saved_features = 0 for idx, in_line in tqdm( enumerate(open(file_name, "r", encoding="utf-8")), total=in_file_lines, desc=f"Processing {file_name}", position=in_file_idx, ): example = InputExample.from_dict(ujson.loads(in_line)) example_idx = save_file_offset + idx alias_to_predict = ( example.alias_to_predict ) # Stores -1 if dev data and false anchor alias_list_pos = example.alias_list_pos span_start_idx, span_end_idx = example.span alias = example.alias qid = example.qid candidate_sentence_input_ids = ( np.ones(max_total_input_len) * tokenizer.pad_token_id ) candidate_sentence_attn_msks = np.ones(max_total_input_len) * 0 candidate_sentence_token_type_ids = np.ones(max_total_input_len) * 0 candidate_mention_cnt_ratio = np.ones(max_total_input_len) * -1 # =========================================================== # GET GOLD LABEL # =========================================================== # generate indexes into alias table; -2 if unk if not entitysymbols.alias_exists(alias): # if we do not have this alias in our set, we give it an index of -2, meaning we will # always get it wrong in eval assert split in ["test", "dev"], ( f"Expected split of 'test' or 'dev'. If you are training, " f"the alias {alias} must be in our entity dump" ) alias_trie_idx = -2 alias_qids = [] else: alias_trie_idx = entitysymbols.get_alias_idx(alias) alias_qids = entitysymbols.get_qid_cands(alias) # EID used in generating labels in dataloader - will set to 0 for NC eid = -1 # EID used in final prediction dumping - keep as gold EID for_dump_eid = -1 if entitysymbols.qid_exists(qid): eid = entitysymbols.get_eid(qid) for_dump_eid = eid if qid not in alias_qids: # if we are not training in candidates, we only assign 0 correct id if the alias is in our map; # otherwise we assign -2 if not train_in_candidates and alias_trie_idx != -2: # set class label to be "not in candidate set" gold_cand_K_idx = 0 eid = 0 else: # if we are not using a NC (no candidate) but are in eval mode, we let the gold # candidate not be in the candidate set we give in a true index of -2, # meaning our model will always get this example incorrect assert split in ["test", "dev"], ( f"Expected split of 'test' or 'dev' in sent {example.sent_idx}. If you are training, " f"the QID {qid} must be in the candidate list for {alias} for " f"data_args.train_in_candidates to be True" ) gold_cand_K_idx = -2 else: # Here we are getting the correct class label for training. # Our training is "which of the max_entities entity candidates is the right one # (class labels 1 to max_entities) or is it none of these (class label 0)". # + (not discard_noncandidate_entities) is to ensure label 0 is # reserved for "not in candidate set" class gold_cand_K_idx = np.nonzero(np.array(alias_qids) == qid)[0][0] + ( not train_in_candidates ) assert gold_cand_K_idx < entitysymbols.max_candidates + int( not train_in_candidates ), ( f"The qid {qid} and alias {alias} is not in the top {entitysymbols.max_candidates} max candidates. " f"The QID must be within max candidates." ) # Create input IDs here to ensure each entity is truncated properly inputs = tokenizer( example.phrase, is_split_into_words=False, padding="max_length", add_special_tokens=True, truncation=True, max_length=max_seq_len, return_overflowing_tokens=False, ) # In the rare case that the pre-context goes beyond max_seq_len, retokenize strating from # ent start to guarantee the start/end tok will be there start_tok = inputs.char_to_token(span_start_idx) if start_tok is None: new_phrase = example.phrase[span_start_idx:] # Adjust spans span_dist = span_end_idx - span_start_idx span_start_idx = 0 span_end_idx = span_start_idx + span_dist inputs = tokenizer( new_phrase, is_split_into_words=False, padding="max_length", add_special_tokens=True, truncation=True, max_length=max_seq_len, return_overflowing_tokens=False, ) if inputs.char_to_token(span_start_idx) is None: print("REALLY BAD") print(example) new_span_start = inputs.char_to_token(span_start_idx) + 1 else: # Includes the [ent_start]; we do not want to mask that so +1 new_span_start = start_tok + 1 # -1 to index the [ent_end] token, not the token after end_tok = inputs.char_to_token(span_end_idx - 1) if end_tok is None: # -1 for CLS token new_span_end = len(inputs["input_ids"]) else: new_span_end = end_tok final_toks = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(inputs["input_ids"]) assert ( final_toks[new_span_start - 1] == "[ent_start]" ), f"{final_toks} {new_span_start} {new_span_end} {span_start_idx} {span_end_idx}" assert (new_span_end == len(inputs["input_ids"])) or final_toks[ new_span_end ] == "[ent_end]", f"{final_toks} {new_span_start} {new_span_end} {span_start_idx} {span_end_idx}" candidate_sentence_input_ids[: len(inputs["input_ids"])] = inputs["input_ids"] candidate_mention_cnt_ratio[new_span_start:new_span_end] = [ example.qid_cnt_mask_score for _ in range(new_span_start, new_span_end) ] candidate_sentence_attn_msks[: len(inputs["attention_mask"])] = inputs[ "attention_mask" ] candidate_sentence_token_type_ids[: len(inputs["token_type_ids"])] = inputs[ "token_type_ids" ] # this stores the true entity pos in the candidate list we use to compute loss - # all anchors for train and true anchors for dev/test # leave as -1 if it's not an alias we want to predict; we get these if we split a # sentence and need to only predict subsets example_true_cand_positions_for_loss = PAD_ID # this stores the true entity pos in the candidate list for all alias seen by model - # all anchors for both train and eval example_true_entity_eid = PAD_ID # checks if alias is gold or not - alias_to_predict will be -1 for non gold aliases for eval if alias_to_predict == 0: example_true_cand_positions_for_loss = gold_cand_K_idx example_true_entity_eid = eid example_true_cand_positions_for_train = gold_cand_K_idx # drop example if we have nothing to predict (no valid aliases) -- make sure this doesn't cause # problems when we start using unk aliases... if alias_trie_idx == PAD_ID: logging.error( f"There were 0 aliases in this example {example}. This shouldn't happen." ) sys.exit(0) total_saved_features += 1 feature = InputFeatures( alias_idx=alias_trie_idx, word_input_ids=candidate_sentence_input_ids, word_token_type_ids=candidate_sentence_token_type_ids, word_attention_mask=candidate_sentence_attn_msks, word_qid_cnt_mask_score=candidate_mention_cnt_ratio, gold_eid=example_true_entity_eid, for_dump_gold_eid=for_dump_eid, # Store the one that isn't -1 for non-gold aliases gold_cand_K_idx=example_true_cand_positions_for_loss, for_dump_gold_cand_K_idx_train=example_true_cand_positions_for_train, alias_list_pos=alias_list_pos, sent_idx=int(example.sent_idx), subsent_idx=int(example.subsent_idx), guid=np.array( [ ( int(example.sent_idx), int(example.subsent_idx), [alias_list_pos], ) ], dtype=guid_dtype, ), ) # Write feature # We are storing mmap file in column format, so column name first mmap_file["sent_idx"][example_idx] = feature.sent_idx mmap_file["subsent_idx"][example_idx] = feature.subsent_idx mmap_file["guids"][example_idx] = feature.guid mmap_file["alias_idx"][example_idx] = feature.alias_idx mmap_file["input_ids"][example_idx] = feature.word_input_ids mmap_file["token_type_ids"][example_idx] = feature.word_token_type_ids mmap_file["attention_mask"][example_idx] = feature.word_attention_mask mmap_file["word_qid_cnt_mask_score"][ example_idx ] = feature.word_qid_cnt_mask_score mmap_file["alias_orig_list_pos"][example_idx] = feature.alias_list_pos mmap_file["for_dump_gold_cand_K_idx_train"][ example_idx ] = feature.for_dump_gold_cand_K_idx_train mmap_file["gold_eid"][example_idx] = feature.gold_eid mmap_file["for_dump_gold_eid"][example_idx] = feature.for_dump_gold_eid mmap_label_file["gold_cand_K_idx"][example_idx] = feature.gold_cand_K_idx if example_idx % ex_print_mod == 0: # Make one string for distributed computation consistency output_str = "" output_str += "*** Example ***" + "\n" output_str += ( f"guid: {example.sent_idx} subsent {example.subsent_idx}" + "\n" ) output_str += f"phrase toks: {example.phrase}" + "\n" output_str += ( f"alias_to_predict: {example.alias_to_predict}" + "\n" ) output_str += ( f"alias_list_pos: {example.alias_list_pos}" + "\n" ) output_str += f"aliases: {example.alias}" + "\n" output_str += f"qids: {example.qid}" + "\n" output_str += "*** Feature ***" + "\n" output_str += ( f"gold_cand_K_idx: {feature.gold_cand_K_idx}" + "\n" ) output_str += f"gold_eid: {feature.gold_eid}" + "\n" output_str += ( f"for_dump_gold_eid: {feature.for_dump_gold_eid}" + "\n" ) output_str += ( f"for_dump_gold_cand_K_idx_train: {feature.for_dump_gold_cand_K_idx_train}" + "\n" ) output_str += ( f"input_ids: {' '.join([str(x) for x in feature.word_input_ids])}" + "\n" ) output_str += ( f"token_type_ids: {' '.join([str(x) for x in feature.word_token_type_ids])}" + "\n" ) output_str += ( f"attention_mask: {' '.join([str(x) for x in feature.word_attention_mask])}" + "\n" ) output_str += ( f"word_qid_cnt_mask_score: {' '.join([str(x) for x in feature.word_qid_cnt_mask_score])}" + "\n" ) output_str += f"guid: {feature.guid}" + "\n" if print_examples: print(output_str) mmap_file.flush() mmap_label_file.flush() return total_saved_features
[docs]def build_and_save_entity_inputs_initializer( constants, data_config, save_entity_dataset_name, X_entity_storage, tokenizer, ): """Create entity features multiprocessing initializer.""" global type_symbols_global if data_config.entity_type_data.use_entity_types: type_symbols_global = TypeSymbols.load_from_cache( load_dir=os.path.join( data_config.entity_dir, data_config.entity_type_data.type_symbols_dir ) ) else: type_symbols_global = None global kg_symbols_global if data_config.entity_kg_data.use_entity_kg: kg_symbols_global = KGSymbols.load_from_cache( load_dir=os.path.join( data_config.entity_dir, data_config.entity_kg_data.kg_symbols_dir ) ) else: kg_symbols_global = None global mmap_entity_file_global mmap_entity_file_global = np.memmap( save_entity_dataset_name, dtype=X_entity_storage, mode="r+" ) global constants_global constants_global = constants global tokenizer_global tokenizer_global = tokenizer global entitysymbols_global entitysymbols_global = EntitySymbols.load_from_cache( load_dir=os.path.join(data_config.entity_dir, data_config.entity_map_dir), alias_cand_map_dir=data_config.alias_cand_map, alias_idx_dir=data_config.alias_idx_map, )
[docs]def build_and_save_entity_inputs( save_entity_dataset_name, X_entity_storage, data_config, dataset_threads, tokenizer, entity_symbols, ): """Create entity features. Args: save_entity_dataset_name: memmap filename to save the entity data X_entity_storage: storage type for memmap file data_config: data config dataset_threads: number of threads tokenizer: tokenizer entity_symbols: entity symbols """ num_processes = min(dataset_threads, int(0.8 * multiprocessing.cpu_count())) # IMPORTANT: for distributed writing to memmap files, you must create them in w+ # mode before being opened in r+ mode by workers memfile = np.memmap( save_entity_dataset_name, dtype=X_entity_storage, mode="w+", shape=(entity_symbols.num_entities_with_pad_and_nocand,), order="C", ) # We'll use the -1 to check that things were written correctly later because at # the end, there should be no -1 memfile["entity_token_type_ids"][:] = -1 # The memfile corresponds to eids. As eid 0 and -1 are reserved for UNK/PAD # we need to set the values. These get a single [SEP] for title [SEP] rest of entity empty_ent = tokenizer( "[SEP]", padding="max_length", add_special_tokens=True, truncation=True, max_length=data_config.max_ent_len, ) memfile["entity_input_ids"][0] = empty_ent["input_ids"][:] memfile["entity_token_type_ids"][0] = empty_ent["token_type_ids"][:] memfile["entity_attention_mask"][0] = empty_ent["attention_mask"][:] memfile["entity_to_mask"][0] = [0 for _ in range(len(empty_ent["input_ids"]))] memfile["entity_input_ids"][-1] = empty_ent["input_ids"][:] memfile["entity_token_type_ids"][-1] = empty_ent["token_type_ids"][:] memfile["entity_attention_mask"][-1] = empty_ent["attention_mask"][:] memfile["entity_to_mask"][-1] = [0 for _ in range(len(empty_ent["input_ids"]))] constants = { "train_in_candidates": data_config.train_in_candidates, "max_ent_len": data_config.max_ent_len, "max_ent_type_len": data_config.entity_type_data.max_ent_type_len, "max_ent_kg_len": data_config.entity_kg_data.max_ent_kg_len, "use_types": data_config.entity_type_data.use_entity_types, "use_kg": data_config.entity_kg_data.use_entity_kg, "use_desc": data_config.use_entity_desc, "print_examples_prep": data_config.print_examples_prep, } if num_processes == 1: if data_config.entity_type_data.use_entity_types: type_symbols = TypeSymbols.load_from_cache( load_dir=os.path.join( data_config.entity_dir, data_config.entity_type_data.type_symbols_dir, ) ) else: type_symbols = None if data_config.entity_kg_data.use_entity_kg: kg_symbols = KGSymbols.load_from_cache( load_dir=os.path.join( data_config.entity_dir, data_config.entity_kg_data.kg_symbols_dir ) ) else: kg_symbols = None input_qids = list(entity_symbols.get_all_qids()) num_qids, overflowed = build_and_save_entity_inputs_single( input_qids, constants, memfile, type_symbols, kg_symbols, tokenizer, entity_symbols, ) else: input_qids = list(entity_symbols.get_all_qids()) chunk_size = int(np.ceil(len(input_qids) / num_processes)) input_chunks = [ input_qids[i : i + chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(input_qids), chunk_size) ] log_rank_0_debug(logger, f"Starting pool with {num_processes} processes") pool = multiprocessing.Pool( processes=num_processes, initializer=build_and_save_entity_inputs_initializer, initargs=[ constants, data_config, save_entity_dataset_name, X_entity_storage, tokenizer, ], ) cnt = 0 overflowed = 0 for res in tqdm( pool.imap_unordered( build_and_save_entity_inputs_hlp, input_chunks, chunksize=1 ), total=len(input_chunks), desc="Building entity data", ): c, overfl = res cnt += c overflowed += overfl pool.close() log_rank_0_debug( logger, f"{overflowed} out of {len(input_qids)} were overflowed", ) memfile = np.memmap(save_entity_dataset_name, dtype=X_entity_storage, mode="r") for i in tqdm( range(entity_symbols.num_entities_with_pad_and_nocand), desc="Verifying entity data", ): assert all(memfile["entity_token_type_ids"][i] != -1), f"Memfile at {i} is -1." memfile = None return
[docs]def build_and_save_entity_inputs_hlp(input_qids): """Create entity features multiprocessing helper.""" return build_and_save_entity_inputs_single( input_qids, constants_global, mmap_entity_file_global, type_symbols_global, kg_symbols_global, tokenizer_global, entitysymbols_global, )
[docs]def build_and_save_entity_inputs_single( input_qids, constants, memfile, type_symbols, kg_symbols, tokenizer, entity_symbols, ): """Create entity features.""" printed = 0 num_overflow = 0 for qid in tqdm(input_qids, desc="Processing entities"): ent_str, title_spans, over_type_len, over_kg_len = get_entity_string( qid, constants, entity_symbols, kg_symbols, type_symbols, ) inputs = tokenizer( ent_str.split(), is_split_into_words=True, padding="max_length", add_special_tokens=True, truncation=True, max_length=constants["max_ent_len"], ) to_mask = [0 for _ in range(len(inputs["input_ids"]))] for title_sp in title_spans: title_toks = inputs.word_to_tokens(title_sp) if title_toks is None: continue for i in range(title_toks.start, title_toks.end): to_mask[i] = 1 # Heuristic function to compute this if inputs["input_ids"][-1] == tokenizer.sep_token_id: num_overflow += 1 if printed < 8 and constants["print_examples_prep"]: print("QID:", qid) print("TITLE:", entity_symbols.get_title(qid)) print("ENT STR:", ent_str) print("INPUTS:", inputs) print("TITLE SPANS:", title_spans) print("TO MASK:", to_mask) print(tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(np.array(inputs["input_ids"]))) printed += 1 eid = entity_symbols.get_eid(qid) for k, value in inputs.items(): memfile[f"entity_{k}"][eid] = value memfile["entity_to_mask"][eid] = to_mask memfile.flush() return len(input_qids), num_overflow
[docs]class BootlegDataset(EmmentalDataset): """Bootleg Dataset class. Args: main_args: input config name: internal dataset name dataset: dataset file use_weak_label: whether to use weakly labeled mentions or not load_entity_data: whether to load entity data or not tokenizer: sentence tokenizer entity_symbols: entity database class dataset_threads: number of threads to use split: data split is_bert: is the tokenizer a BERT or not dataset_range: offset into dataset """ def __init__( self, main_args, name, dataset, use_weak_label, load_entity_data, tokenizer, entity_symbols, dataset_threads, split="train", is_bert=True, dataset_range=None, ): """Bootleg dataset initlializer.""" log_rank_0_info( logger, f"Starting to build data for {split} from {dataset}", ) global_start = time.time() data_config = main_args.data_config spawn_method = main_args.run_config.spawn_method log_rank_0_debug(logger, f"Setting spawn method to be {spawn_method}") orig_spawn = multiprocessing.get_start_method() multiprocessing.set_start_method(spawn_method, force=True) # Unique identifier is sentence index, subsentence index (due to sentence splitting), and aliases in split guid_dtype = np.dtype( [ ("sent_idx", "i8", 1), ("subsent_idx", "i8", 1), ("alias_orig_list_pos", "i8", (1,)), ] ) max_total_input_len = data_config.max_seq_len # Storage for saving the data. self.X_storage, self.Y_storage, self.X_entity_storage = ( [ ("guids", guid_dtype, 1), ("sent_idx", "i8", 1), ("subsent_idx", "i8", 1), ("alias_idx", "i8", 1), ( "input_ids", "i8", (max_total_input_len,), ), ( "token_type_ids", "i8", (max_total_input_len,), ), ( "attention_mask", "i8", (max_total_input_len,), ), ( "word_qid_cnt_mask_score", "float", (max_total_input_len,), ), ("alias_orig_list_pos", "i8", 1), ( "gold_eid", "i8", 1, ), # What the eid of the gold entity is ( "for_dump_gold_eid", "i8", 1, ), # What the eid of the gold entity is independent of gold alias or not ( "for_dump_gold_cand_K_idx_train", "i8", 1, ), # Which of the K candidates is correct. Only used in dump_pred to stitch sub-sentences together ], [ ( "gold_cand_K_idx", "i8", 1, ), # Which of the K candidates is correct. ], [ ("entity_input_ids", "i8", (data_config.max_ent_len)), ("entity_token_type_ids", "i8", (data_config.max_ent_len)), ("entity_attention_mask", "i8", (data_config.max_ent_len)), ("entity_to_mask", "i8", (data_config.max_ent_len)), ], ) self.split = split self.popularity_mask = data_config.popularity_mask self.context_mask_perc = data_config.context_mask_perc self.tokenizer = tokenizer # Table to map from alias_idx to entity_cand_eid used in the __get_item__ self.alias2cands_model = AliasEntityTable( data_config=data_config, entity_symbols=entity_symbols ) # Total number of entities used in the __get_item__ self.num_entities_with_pad_and_nocand = ( entity_symbols.num_entities_with_pad_and_nocand ) self.raw_filename = dataset # Folder for all mmap saved files save_dataset_folder = data_utils.get_save_data_folder( data_config, use_weak_label, self.raw_filename ) utils.ensure_dir(save_dataset_folder) # Folder for entity mmap saved files save_entity_folder = data_utils.get_emb_prep_dir(data_config) utils.ensure_dir(save_entity_folder) # Folder for temporary output files temp_output_folder = os.path.join( data_config.data_dir, data_config.data_prep_dir, f"prep_{split}_dataset_files", ) utils.ensure_dir(temp_output_folder) # Input step 1 create_ex_indir = os.path.join(temp_output_folder, "create_examples_input") utils.ensure_dir(create_ex_indir) # Input step 2 create_ex_outdir = os.path.join(temp_output_folder, "create_examples_output") utils.ensure_dir(create_ex_outdir) # Meta data saved files meta_file = os.path.join(temp_output_folder, "meta_data.json") # File for standard training data self.save_dataset_name = os.path.join(save_dataset_folder, "ned_data.bin") # File for standard labels self.save_labels_name = os.path.join(save_dataset_folder, "ned_label.bin") # File for type labels self.save_entity_dataset_name = None # ======================================================================================= # ======================================================================================= # ======================================================================================= # STANDARD DISAMBIGUATION # ======================================================================================= # ======================================================================================= # ======================================================================================= log_rank_0_debug( logger, f"Seeing if {self.save_dataset_name} exists and {self.save_labels_name} exists", ) if ( data_config.overwrite_preprocessed_data or (not os.path.exists(self.save_dataset_name)) or (not os.path.exists(self.save_labels_name)) ): st_time = time.time() log_rank_0_info( logger, f"Building dataset from scratch. Saving to {save_dataset_folder}.", ) create_examples( dataset, create_ex_indir, create_ex_outdir, meta_file, data_config, dataset_threads, use_weak_label, split, is_bert, tokenizer, ) try: convert_examples_to_features_and_save( meta_file, guid_dtype, data_config, dataset_threads, use_weak_label, split, is_bert, self.save_dataset_name, self.save_labels_name, self.X_storage, self.Y_storage, tokenizer, entity_symbols, ) log_rank_0_debug( logger, f"Finished prepping disambig training data in {time.time() - st_time}", ) except Exception as e: tb = traceback.TracebackException.from_exception(e) logger.error(e) logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error("\n".join(tb.stack.format())) os.remove(self.save_dataset_name) os.remove(self.save_labels_name) shutil.rmtree(save_dataset_folder, ignore_errors=True) raise log_rank_0_info( logger, f"Loading data from {self.save_dataset_name} and {self.save_labels_name}", ) X_dict, Y_dict = self.build_data_dicts( self.save_dataset_name, self.save_labels_name, self.X_storage, self.Y_storage, ) # ======================================================================================= # ======================================================================================= # ======================================================================================= # ENTITY TOKENS # ======================================================================================= # ======================================================================================= # ======================================================================================= self.save_entity_dataset_name = os.path.join( save_entity_folder, f"entity_data" f"_type{int(data_config.entity_type_data.use_entity_types)}" f"_kg{int(data_config.entity_kg_data.use_entity_kg)}" f"_desc{int(data_config.use_entity_desc)}.bin", ) log_rank_0_debug(logger, f"Seeing if {self.save_entity_dataset_name} exists") if load_entity_data: if data_config.overwrite_preprocessed_data or ( not os.path.exists(self.save_entity_dataset_name) ): st_time = time.time() log_rank_0_info(logger, "Building entity data from scatch.") try: # Creating/saving data build_and_save_entity_inputs( self.save_entity_dataset_name, self.X_entity_storage, data_config, dataset_threads, tokenizer, entity_symbols, ) log_rank_0_debug( logger, f"Finished prepping data in {time.time() - st_time}" ) except Exception as e: tb = traceback.TracebackException.from_exception(e) logger.error(e) logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error("\n".join(tb.stack.format())) os.remove(self.save_entity_dataset_name) raise X_entity_dict = self.build_data_entity_dicts( self.save_entity_dataset_name, self.X_entity_storage ) self.X_entity_dict = X_entity_dict else: self.X_entity_dict = None log_rank_0_debug(logger, "Removing temporary output files") shutil.rmtree(temp_output_folder, ignore_errors=True) log_rank_0_info( logger, f"Final data initialization time for {split} is {time.time() - global_start}s", ) self.dataset_range = ( list(range(len(X_dict[next(iter(X_dict.keys()))]))) if dataset_range is None else dataset_range ) # Set spawn back to original/default, which is "fork" or "spawn". # This is needed for the Meta.config to be correctly passed in the collate_fn. multiprocessing.set_start_method(orig_spawn, force=True) super().__init__(name, X_dict=X_dict, Y_dict=Y_dict, uid="guids")
[docs] @classmethod def build_data_dicts( cls, save_dataset_name, save_labels_name, X_storage, Y_storage ): """Return the X_dict and Y_dict of inputs and labels. Args: save_dataset_name: memmap file name with inputs save_labels_name: memmap file name with labels X_storage: memmap storage for inputs Y_storage: memmap storage labels Returns: X_dict of inputs and Y_dict of labels for Emmental datasets """ X_dict, Y_dict = ( { "guids": [], "sent_idx": [], "subsent_idx": [], "alias_idx": [], "input_ids": [], "token_type_ids": [], "attention_mask": [], "word_qid_cnt_mask_score": [], "alias_orig_list_pos": [], # list of original position in the alias list this example is (see eval) "gold_eid": [], # List of gold entity eids "for_dump_gold_eid": [], "for_dump_gold_cand_K_idx_train": [], # list of gold indices without subsentence masking (see eval) }, { "gold_cand_K_idx": [], }, ) mmap_file = np.memmap(save_dataset_name, dtype=X_storage, mode="r") mmap_label_file = np.memmap(save_labels_name, dtype=Y_storage, mode="r") X_dict["sent_idx"] = torch.from_numpy(mmap_file["sent_idx"]) X_dict["subsent_idx"] = torch.from_numpy(mmap_file["subsent_idx"]) X_dict["guids"] = mmap_file["guids"] # uid doesn't need to be tensor X_dict["alias_idx"] = torch.from_numpy(mmap_file["alias_idx"]) X_dict["input_ids"] = torch.from_numpy(mmap_file["input_ids"]) X_dict["token_type_ids"] = torch.from_numpy(mmap_file["token_type_ids"]) X_dict["attention_mask"] = torch.from_numpy(mmap_file["attention_mask"]) X_dict["word_qid_cnt_mask_score"] = torch.from_numpy( mmap_file["word_qid_cnt_mask_score"] ) X_dict["alias_orig_list_pos"] = torch.from_numpy( mmap_file["alias_orig_list_pos"] ) X_dict["gold_eid"] = torch.from_numpy(mmap_file["gold_eid"]) X_dict["for_dump_gold_eid"] = torch.from_numpy(mmap_file["for_dump_gold_eid"]) X_dict["for_dump_gold_cand_K_idx_train"] = torch.from_numpy( mmap_file["for_dump_gold_cand_K_idx_train"] ) Y_dict["gold_cand_K_idx"] = torch.from_numpy(mmap_label_file["gold_cand_K_idx"]) return X_dict, Y_dict
[docs] @classmethod def build_data_entity_dicts(cls, save_dataset_name, X_storage): """Return the X_dict for the entity data. Args: save_dataset_name: memmap file name with entity data X_storage: memmap storage type Returns: Dict of labels """ X_dict = { "entity_input_ids": [], "entity_token_type_ids": [], "entity_attention_mask": [], "entity_to_mask": [], } mmap_label_file = np.memmap(save_dataset_name, dtype=X_storage, mode="r") X_dict["entity_input_ids"] = torch.from_numpy( mmap_label_file["entity_input_ids"] ) X_dict["entity_token_type_ids"] = torch.from_numpy( mmap_label_file["entity_token_type_ids"] ) X_dict["entity_attention_mask"] = torch.from_numpy( mmap_label_file["entity_attention_mask"] ) X_dict["entity_to_mask"] = torch.from_numpy(mmap_label_file["entity_to_mask"]) return X_dict
[docs] def get_sentidx_to_rowids(self): """Get mapping from sent idx to row id in X_dict. Returns: Dict of sent idx to row id """ sentidx2rowids = defaultdict(list) for i, sent_id in enumerate(self.X_dict["sent_idx"]): # Saving/loading dict will convert numeric keys to strings - keep consistent sentidx2rowids[str(sent_id.item())].append(i) return dict(sentidx2rowids)
def __getitem__(self, index): r"""Get item by index. Args: index(index): The index of the item. Returns: Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Tensor]]: Tuple of x_dict and y_dict """ index = self.dataset_range[index] x_dict = {name: feature[index] for name, feature in self.X_dict.items()} y_dict = {name: label[index] for name, label in self.Y_dict.items()} # Mask the mention tokens if self.split == "train" and self.popularity_mask: input_ids = self._mask_input_ids(x_dict) x_dict["input_ids"] = input_ids # Get the entity_cand_eid entity_cand_eid = self.alias2cands_model(x_dict["alias_idx"]).long() if self.X_entity_dict is not None: entity_cand_input_ids = [] entity_cand_token_type_ids = [] entity_cand_attention_mask = [] # Get the entity token ids for eid in entity_cand_eid: if self.split == "train" and self.popularity_mask: entity_input_ids = self._mask_entity_input_ids(x_dict, eid) else: entity_input_ids = self.X_entity_dict["entity_input_ids"][eid] entity_cand_input_ids.append(entity_input_ids) entity_cand_token_type_ids.append( self.X_entity_dict["entity_token_type_ids"][eid] ) entity_cand_attention_mask.append( self.X_entity_dict["entity_attention_mask"][eid] ) # Create M x K x token length x_dict["entity_cand_input_ids"] = torch.stack(entity_cand_input_ids, dim=0) x_dict["entity_cand_token_type_ids"] = torch.stack( entity_cand_token_type_ids, dim=0 ) x_dict["entity_cand_attention_mask"] = torch.stack( entity_cand_attention_mask, dim=0 ) x_dict["entity_cand_eval_mask"] = entity_cand_eid == -1 # Handles the index errors with -1 indexing into an embedding x_dict["entity_cand_eid"] = torch.where( entity_cand_eid >= 0, entity_cand_eid, ( torch.ones_like(entity_cand_eid, dtype=torch.long) * (self.num_entities_with_pad_and_nocand - 1) ), ) # Add dummy gold_unq_eid_idx for Emmental init - this gets overwritten in the collator in y_dict["gold_unq_eid_idx"] = y_dict["gold_cand_K_idx"] return x_dict, y_dict def _mask_input_ids(self, x_dict): """ Mask input context ids. Mask the entity mention with high probability, especially if rare. Further mask tokens 10% of the time """ # Get core dump if you don't do this input_ids = torch.clone(x_dict["input_ids"]) cnt_ratio = x_dict["word_qid_cnt_mask_score"] probability_matrix = torch.full(cnt_ratio.shape, 0.0) fill_v = 0.0 if torch.any((0.0 <= cnt_ratio) & (cnt_ratio < 0.5)): fill_v = 0.5 elif torch.any((0.5 <= cnt_ratio) & (cnt_ratio < 0.65)): fill_v = 0.62 elif torch.any((0.65 <= cnt_ratio) & (cnt_ratio < 0.8)): fill_v = 0.73 elif torch.any((0.8 <= cnt_ratio) & (cnt_ratio < 0.95)): fill_v = 0.84 elif torch.any(0.95 <= cnt_ratio): fill_v = 0.95 probability_matrix.masked_fill_(cnt_ratio >= 0.0, value=fill_v) masked_indices = torch.bernoulli(probability_matrix).bool() input_ids.masked_fill_( masked_indices, value=self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(self.tokenizer.mask_token), ) # Mask all tokens by context_mask_perc if self.context_mask_perc > 0.0: input_ids_clone = input_ids.clone() # We sample a few tokens in each sequence probability_matrix = torch.full( input_ids_clone.shape, self.context_mask_perc ) special_tokens_mask = self.tokenizer.get_special_tokens_mask( input_ids.tolist(), already_has_special_tokens=True ) probability_matrix.masked_fill_( torch.tensor(special_tokens_mask, dtype=torch.bool), value=0.0 ) if self.tokenizer._pad_token is not None: padding_mask = input_ids.eq(self.tokenizer.pad_token_id) probability_matrix.masked_fill_(padding_mask, value=0.0) masked_indices = torch.bernoulli(probability_matrix).bool() input_ids_clone[masked_indices] = self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids( self.tokenizer.mask_token ) input_ids = input_ids_clone return input_ids def _mask_entity_input_ids(self, x_dict, eid): """ Mask entity input ids. Mask the entity to_mask index with high probability, especially if mention is rare. """ # Get core dump if you don't do this entity_input_ids = torch.clone(self.X_entity_dict["entity_input_ids"][eid]) cnt_ratio = x_dict["word_qid_cnt_mask_score"] probability_matrix = torch.tensor( self.X_entity_dict["entity_to_mask"][eid] ).float() fill_v = 0.0 if torch.any((0.0 <= cnt_ratio) & (cnt_ratio < 0.5)): fill_v = 0.5 elif torch.any((0.5 <= cnt_ratio) & (cnt_ratio < 0.65)): fill_v = 0.62 elif torch.any((0.65 <= cnt_ratio) & (cnt_ratio < 0.8)): fill_v = 0.73 elif torch.any((0.8 <= cnt_ratio) & (cnt_ratio < 0.95)): fill_v = 0.84 elif torch.any(0.95 <= cnt_ratio): fill_v = 0.95 probability_matrix.masked_fill_(probability_matrix > 0.0, value=fill_v) masked_indices = torch.bernoulli(probability_matrix).bool() entity_input_ids.masked_fill_( masked_indices, value=self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids("[MASK]") ) return entity_input_ids def __getstate__(self): """Get state.""" state = self.__dict__.copy() del state["X_dict"] del state["Y_dict"] return state def __setstate__(self, state): """Set state.""" self.__dict__.update(state) self.X_dict, self.Y_dict = self.build_data_dicts( self.save_dataset_name, self.save_labels_name, self.X_storage, self.Y_storage, ) return state def __repr__(self): """Repr.""" return ( f"Bootleg Dataset. Data at {self.save_dataset_name}. " f"Labels at {self.save_labels_name}. " ) def __len__(self): """Length.""" return len(self.dataset_range)
[docs]class BootlegEntityDataset(EmmentalDataset): """Bootleg Dataset class for entities. Args: main_args: input config name: internal dataset name dataset: dataset file tokenizer: sentence tokenizer entity_symbols: entity database class dataset_threads: number of threads to use split: data split """ def __init__( self, main_args, name, dataset, tokenizer, entity_symbols, dataset_threads, split="test", ): """Bootleg entity dataset initializer.""" assert split == "test", "Split must be test split for EntityDataset" log_rank_0_info( logger, f"Starting to build data for {split} from {dataset}", ) global_start = time.time() data_config = main_args.data_config spawn_method = main_args.run_config.spawn_method log_rank_0_debug(logger, f"Setting spawn method to be {spawn_method}") orig_spawn = multiprocessing.get_start_method() multiprocessing.set_start_method(spawn_method, force=True) # Storage for saving the data. self.X_entity_storage = [ ("entity_input_ids", "i8", (data_config.max_ent_len)), ("entity_token_type_ids", "i8", (data_config.max_ent_len)), ("entity_attention_mask", "i8", (data_config.max_ent_len)), ("entity_to_mask", "i8", (data_config.max_ent_len)), ] self.split = split self.popularity_mask = data_config.popularity_mask self.context_mask_perc = data_config.context_mask_perc self.tokenizer = tokenizer # Table to map from alias_idx to entity_cand_eid used in the __get_item__ self.alias2cands_model = AliasEntityTable( data_config=data_config, entity_symbols=entity_symbols ) # Total number of entities used in the __get_item__ self.num_entities_with_pad_and_nocand = ( entity_symbols.num_entities_with_pad_and_nocand ) # Folder for entity mmap saved files save_entity_folder = data_utils.get_emb_prep_dir(data_config) utils.ensure_dir(save_entity_folder) # ======================================================================================= # ======================================================================================= # ======================================================================================= # ENTITY TOKENS # ======================================================================================= # ======================================================================================= # ======================================================================================= self.save_entity_dataset_name = os.path.join( save_entity_folder, f"entity_data" f"_type{int(data_config.entity_type_data.use_entity_types)}" f"_kg{int(data_config.entity_kg_data.use_entity_kg)}" f"_desc{int(data_config.use_entity_desc)}.bin", ) log_rank_0_debug(logger, f"Seeing if {self.save_entity_dataset_name} exists") if data_config.overwrite_preprocessed_data or ( not os.path.exists(self.save_entity_dataset_name) ): st_time = time.time() log_rank_0_info(logger, "Building entity data from scatch.") try: # Creating/saving data build_and_save_entity_inputs( self.save_entity_dataset_name, self.X_entity_storage, data_config, dataset_threads, tokenizer, entity_symbols, ) log_rank_0_debug( logger, f"Finished prepping data in {time.time() - st_time}" ) except Exception as e: tb = traceback.TracebackException.from_exception(e) logger.error(e) logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error("\n".join(tb.stack.format())) os.remove(self.save_entity_dataset_name) raise X_entity_dict = self.build_data_entity_dicts( self.save_entity_dataset_name, self.X_entity_storage ) # Add the unique identified of EID (the embeddings are already in this order) X_entity_dict["guids"] = torch.arange(len(X_entity_dict["entity_input_ids"])) log_rank_0_info( logger, f"Final data initialization time for {split} is {time.time() - global_start}s", ) # Set spawn back to original/default, which is "fork" or "spawn". # This is needed for the Meta.config to be correctly passed in the collate_fn. multiprocessing.set_start_method(orig_spawn, force=True) super().__init__(name, X_dict=X_entity_dict, uid="guids")
[docs] @classmethod def build_data_entity_dicts(cls, save_dataset_name, X_storage): """Return the X_dict for the entity data. Args: save_dataset_name: memmap file name with entity data X_storage: memmap storage type Returns: Dict of labels """ X_dict = { "entity_input_ids": [], "entity_token_type_ids": [], "entity_attention_mask": [], "entity_to_mask": [], } mmap_label_file = np.memmap(save_dataset_name, dtype=X_storage, mode="r") X_dict["entity_input_ids"] = torch.from_numpy( mmap_label_file["entity_input_ids"] ) X_dict["entity_token_type_ids"] = torch.from_numpy( mmap_label_file["entity_token_type_ids"] ) X_dict["entity_attention_mask"] = torch.from_numpy( mmap_label_file["entity_attention_mask"] ) X_dict["entity_to_mask"] = torch.from_numpy(mmap_label_file["entity_to_mask"]) return X_dict
def __getitem__(self, index): r"""Get item by index. Args: index(index): The index of the item. Returns: Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Tensor]]: Tuple of x_dict and y_dict """ x_dict = {name: feature[index] for name, feature in self.X_dict.items()} return x_dict def __getstate__(self): """Get state.""" state = self.__dict__.copy() del state["X_dict"] del state["Y_dict"] return state def __setstate__(self, state): """Set state.""" self.__dict__.update(state) return state def __repr__(self): """Repr.""" return f"Bootleg Entity Dataset. Data at {self.save_entity_dataset_name}."